From around the web: 5 TED Talks That Anyone Working in Marketing Should Watch

From around the web: 5 TED Talks That Anyone Working in Marketing Should Watch

We’re all very busy in our day-to-day lives, so it’s difficult to create non-existent time to expand our knowledge on any topics. This is why we love TED Talks, which are esentially mini podcasts in which you can immerse yourself and discover wonderful topics. For this post we collected 5 of our favourites one that talk about different aspects of marketing.
Seth Godin is a very popular marketer and book author, his quotes have been circulating the internet for many years now. His talk is all about being remarkable and how playing it safe nowadays is the riskiest thing to do for businesses who want to stand out. In an age of overwhelming information he is inviting people to challenge the norm.
Malcom Gladwell’s speech represents a light-hearted incursion into the journey of the food industry from a universal approach towards people to their understanding of variability and individuality. Bottom line is: people think they know what they want but may not have an idea until you give it to them.
This funny yet fast speech dissects our current approach in the search for happiness and outlines some changes we can do to improve. Through positive psychology we can re-wire our brain and as a result make it work better for us.
Marketing strives to understand human beings and properly done branding should evoke an emotional response. This talk tries to uncover the secrets behind successful marketing and what we can do to make it better.
Storytelling takes us on a unique ride by creating dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin. The more emotionally invested we become the less critical and objectively observant. This talk takes us through how to create the feel-good hormones and what elements to add to design a good story.

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